Published Articles
Beyond the Walls of the Library. Article describing a library marketing initiative. (March 2010). Download Assessment of Usage of Clinical Guidelines and Protocols: Setting-up Knowledge Systems for Electronic Retrieval. This article describes a Knowledge Management project undertaken to manage clinical guidelines and protocols on an intranet. Download You got a problem....You got a problem....Apply some creativity. Article looking at the subject of applying creativity to problem-solving. (Spring 2004). Download All articles published in LIHNNK-UP: the newsletter of the Library and Information Health Network North West. |
Social Media for
SouthportMovieMakers Collectively from August 2011 - June 2017. Early JournalismAs a hospital radio broadcaster, I interviewed a broad range of people – from politicians to theatre directors and many others. The interviews were often written-up as feature articles in the in-house magazine Feedback: |
Film Project
The Rise, Fall - and Rise? of Lord Street, Southport The film The Rise, Fall - and Rise? of Lord Street, Southport is a documentary film project that I worked on with Southport MovieMakers. My role was to interview a broad range of stakeholders - individuals, businesses, charities and politicians, drawing on my past radio experience of interviewing people from all walks of life; applied more recently in stakeholder consultation for information projects. I also provided the narration.
Blog post: Lord Street – What’s Happening in Southport? |
Read the Blog Post: In the Know
What is the common ground between journalists and information professionals.? Knowledge Managers are often responsible for writing knowledge base articles for publication on organisational intranets for use by colleagues. In this respect, Knowledge Managers are quite comparable with journalists. In this post, I will be looking in detail at the common ground between journalists and information professionals. As you'll read, that common ground is really quite striking. Read the full post |
A Selection of Blog PostsEmployees of a company are nearly always the biggest item of expenditure on the balance sheet. Correspondingly, they are considered to be an asset of the company, in the broad sense of the word. Indeed, the term "human resources" is often applied. Therefore, when a company is about to lose part of its resources, this can, potentially, reduce its competitiveness in the marketplace. Therefore, when employees in a company are approaching retirement, it is essential before they leave the organisation that interviews are conducted with those people. Today, this post is a digression from the normal discussion of Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence, to tell you about a film project that I worked on last summer with Southport MovieMakers. However, what I’ll be writing about is not entirely unrelated to discovering information. At the CILIP Conference 2015, I will be attending a talk entitled Making the right connections – engaging stakeholders, building and maintaining relationships that deliver clear benefits presented by Denise Carter. Stand-up comedians sometimes can gauge how well their "act" has been received by the volume of applause or brickbats that they receive. When it is less clear-cut, a very practical and informal method for those comedians to gauge audience opinion is to hide in the toilets immediately after they come off stage and listen secretly to the comments as the audience use the facilities; limited of course to the same sex. This informal feedback can then be applied in the second-half of their "gig". |
A creative exercise on the theme of Happiness, applying lateral thinking.